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Reviews of Puzzazz Ebooks for Kindle

Our puzzle ebooks for the Amazon Kindle continue to get rave reviews. Here are some of the things people are saying in their reviews on

B. Rogers
I like my Kindle, but to this point have mostly seen it as a novelty.... For the first time, I've got a book that's far superior on a Kindle than it would ever be in "real life". Apparently, puzzle books are perfect for this format.... *solving* them in this format is so much more satisfying. ... Solving is smooth. The interface is intuitive ... I think I've finally found my "killer app" - a book that is truly superior on a Kindle.

R. Jordan
Now, THIS is what active content SHOULD be! I've been looking for a puzzle book to use with my Kindle for a while now, and what I've found are things that seem to be designed for an iPad or PC and moved to the Kindle platform. Most of these were game applications that weren't terribly easy to use. This book is what I was hoping [those] would be. This makes solving the puzzles feel completely natural, just like using a pencil in a game magazine (except you'll never lose your pencil).

S. Kaphan
[This] is obviously designed by people who are serious about their puzzles and know what is going to feel good for people who will be using the interface obsessively, as puzzle solvers like to do. It's pleasing to the eye, easy to learn even without reading the instructions, and is also sophisticated enough for advanced users. That's not easy to achieve. I'm looking forward to more kinds of puzzles for the Kindle from Puzzazz.

Al Sanders
I'm a puzzle fanatic and I've been very much enjoying solving Wordoku Unbound on my Kindle. ... My only complaint is that these puzzles are so much fun, that every time I turn on my Kindle, I start solving a Wordoku instead of reading the book that I need to finish for my book club in a couple of weeks! This book demonstrates the potential of the Kindle to be much more than just an e-book reader. Highly Recommended.

Richard Garfield
Kindle has what I believe is its first interactive e-book and it has set the bar for the future. ... The interface is clean and easy to use, the look is handsome, and the puzzles difficulty can be set by the solver. I look forward to seeing a lot more puzzle books in the future!

Lyle Wiedeman
Enter Puzzazz, a company that makes interactive Kindle content, and "Wordoku Unbound #1", their first puzzle book. While being able to do puzzles on your Kindle is a bonus in itself, the Puzzazz team has carefully designed, tested, and re-designed the interface to maximize the predictability, flexibility, and invisibility (get out of my way and let me solve) of the puzzle experience. They've tried to capture the simplicity of pencil-solving, while adding value with features only an interactive program could offer. [This] is a delightful puzzling experience at a price level that shows why e-books are a welcome innovation.

Incredibly Addictive. I've finished the first 24 of the puzzles and I had to archive it because it was getting in the way of my reading. You have to get this!

Sonya Eveld
Awesome Awesome Awesome! Love it! easy to use, beautifully displayed ... Love it!

Jonathan Saad
I'm now addicted once again and am thouroughly enjoying it, maybe even more than before. Having done quite a few Sudoku puzzles in the past I can honestly say these by Puzzazz are some of the best.

i just have 'pros' and no 'cons' for all 3 versions of sudoku puzzles from Puzzazz (sudoku, wordoku, and symdoku). i am going to buy everything from puzzazz. they really deliver quality puzzles that are well designed and tested.


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