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How To Solve Puzzles

How to Solve Mentagy™ Puzzles

by Allyn Kahn

There are only three rules for solving Mentagy Puzzles:

The letters from A to Z are connected in alphabetical order.
For example, the B is adjacent to the A, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally; the C is adjacent to the B; and so on.
Every 2x2 box contains sequential letters.
For example, a box can contain D, E, and F; or E, F, and G; but not just D, E, and G.
Every row and column contains exactly one vowel: A, E , I , O , U or Y.


  • Most puzzles will start with one or more given letters already placed in the grid. Use these givens, along with the three rules, to logically determine where the rest of the letters must go.
  • When solving harder puzzles, it can sometimes help to work from both ends of the alphabet and eventually connect in the middle.
  • In advanced puzzles, you will sometimes be given one or more Clue Words, which must appear somewhere in the puzzle grid in a straight line, either horizontally, vertically or on a diagonal, either forward or backward.

Try the Mentagy Tutorial which has a sample puzzle with a detailed explanation of how to solve it.


If you get stuck, don’t forget you can get hints by tapping on the icon. You have the option to reveal a letter or answer and also to clear out any errors. It’s not cheating to ask for a hint — the goal is to have fun, so if asking for a hint increases your enjoyment, feel free.


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